Jeff Bergman,
Financial Security Advisor

“Every man has problems only life insurance can solve. In the young man’s case, the problem is to create cash; for the older man to conserve it.” - Ben Feldman
Want To Know The 5 Financial Products Every Individual Should Own? 
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Jeff Bergman,
Financial Security Advisor

“Every man has problems only life insurance can solve. In the young man’s case, the problem is to create cash; for the older man to conserve it.”
- Ben Feldman
Want To Know The 5 Financial Products Every Individual Should Own? 
Enter your email below and I'll send you a free PDF explaining each one and why it's important for you to have them.
Why Should You Talk To Me, Jeff Bergman, For Financial Advice?
I am a Financial Security Advisor and to put it simply, I offer Life Insurance and Investment Strategies to my clients.

I am committed to helping my clients through the process of making important financial decisions for them and for their families or businesses. 

I take great pride in helping my clients achieve their financial goals and protect what’s most important to them. 

And, I’ll do the same for you!

I will work through a detailed needs analysis with you to understand your financial goals and needs. 

then work with you throughout the life of our relationship to protect what is most important to you, and
build the right financial plan that makes sense to you. 

My goal is for every one of my clients to know, with confidence, what their needs are and how I can help to protect them.

I make recommendations by listening to what my client’s needs are, now, and in the future. 

Here is the process which I like to follow:

1) Get to know you, your goals, and your objectives.
2) Financial analysis/conversation about your situation.
3) Recommendations.
4) Implementation.
5) Follow-up/monitoring review.

As a Financial Security Advisor, I operate as an Independent Representative, which means I am mandated to sell all the insurance companies on the Canadian Market (yes, it’s my own business!). 

I can determine the best company and product to apply for, allowing you to purchase your financial product with confidence knowing you received the best product for you.

There are several products I am able to offer you.
Insurance Principles I Adhere To: 
What is your goal/intention?
How much do you need?
I help you choose the right product to get you to reach your goals
Insurance Principles I Adhere To: 
What is your goal/intention?
How much do you need?
I help you choose the right product to get you to reach your goals
Insurance with Jeff Bergman Financial
Term Insurance

It is very affordable and an exceptional way to cover a short-term need. Many people will use a term policy to insure their mortgage as it is often less costly. Term insurance is available in many lengths (i.e., 10, 20, 30 years, etc.) which can accommodate any need.

Permanent Insurance

Whole life – provides lifetime protection designed to ensure tax-advantaged growth to whoever owns the policy. What’s popular about this product is that it has been around for over a century and it’s managed by the insurance company, which means you don’t have to maintain it. The policyholder receives an annual dividend which allows the policy to grow. Once the dividends are credited to the policy they can’t be reduced or modified as the only person who can do that is the policyholder.

Universal Life – can give you options for putting extra money into your policy, where the accumulated value can grow tax-free while within your policy. This type of insurance provides flexibility as you can access the money as your lifestyle changes, reduce payments if your cash is needed elsewhere, or increase payments to accelerate the growth.

Term 100 – Is a simple form of permanent insurance where the face amount of the policy is fixed and there is little to no cash in the policy.

Critical Illness Insurance

A critical illness can have serious financial consequences on the lifestyle of the person with the illness, as well as their family members. Therefore, this type of insurance provides financial assistance in a tax–free lump sum benefit amount to the person who was diagnosed with a critical illness. The benefit has no strings attached so the diagnosed individual can do what they want with the money.

Disability Insurance

This provides monthly income to cover income lost due to a disability. It’s the ideal solution to avoid a disability-related work stoppage affecting a person’s finances and lifestyle.

Personal Health Insurance 

Helps lower your cost of being burdened by expenses for preventive care or medical bills as a result of an illness or accident. RMAQ does provide coverage for many health expenses, however, there are gaps that can have a significant impact on your finances.
Investing Principles I Adhere To: 
Purpose goal intentions
Must get into market
Risk Tolerance
Get into the habit of investing/behaviour
Properly managed portfolios
& diversified portfolios
Type of investment to help
you get to your goal
Investing Principles I Adhere To: 
Purpose goal intentions
Must get into market
Risk Tolerance
Get into the habit of investing/behaviour
Properly managed portfolios
& diversified portfolios
Type of investment to help
you get to your goal
Investments with Jeff Bergman Financial
Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP): This is a registered investment that lets you save for retirement by deferring taxes on the investment earnings.

Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF): It’s like an RRSP, but instead of putting money in, you withdraw for your retirement. You must convert an RRSP to RRIF by end of the year you turn 71.

Tax-Free Saving Account (TFSA): This is a registered investment account that allows tax-free gains on your
money. The amount of money you can contribute each year has limits as well as other rules governing the investment account.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP): This is a Tax-sheltered plan that helps you save for your child’s post-secondary education. RESP contributions attract government grants: 20 percent from the federal government ($500) and 10 percent ($250) from the Quebec government up to $750 annually. With a total lifetime maximum grant of $10,800 of free money for your child’s education.
The Compliance Approach I Adhere To: 
1) Advisor disclosure form – It is my responsibility to provide disclosure (i.e., nature of relationships, conflict of interests, privacy, etc.) to every client prior to the signing of an application.

2) Client expectations – expectations of my relationship with each client.

3) Fact find – Going through a detailed fact find of every client’s financial situation.

4) Needs and assessment – To ensure that my recommendation(s) are appropriate to the needs of the client as determined by a needs-based assessment.

5) Advise and Recommendation – Providing timely and appropriate advice that fits into the clients lifestyle and needs.

6) "Reason Why" Letter – summarizing my advice in a letter that you will sign.
The Compliance Approach I Adhere To: 
1) Advisor disclosure form – It is my responsibility to provide disclosure (i.e., nature of relationships, conflict of interests, privacy, etc.) to every client prior to the signing of an application.

2) Client expectations – expectations of my relationship with each client.

3) Fact find – Going through a detailed fact find of every client’s financial situation.

4) Needs and assessment – To ensure that my recommendation(s) are appropriate to the needs of the client as determined by a needs-based assessment.

5) Advise and Recommendation – Providing timely and appropriate advice that fits into the clients lifestyle and needs.

6) "Reason Why" Letter – summarizing my advice in a letter that you will sign.
Companies We Work With:
Companies We Work With:
Words From Our Clients:
"Jeff is on top of things. Thanks very much. A+ customer relations."
"I introduced Jeff to many people and they all found him personable and knowledgeable."
"Jeff really makes that whole process of searching for insurance really human. I appreciated his patience very much!"
"You are very good at remaining 'top of mind' good for business well done!"
Let me answer some questions I get very often:
  • Do I pay you for your service?

    No – I only get paid when you purchase a financial product.
  • What type of insurance do I need?

    I can take the uncertainty away of purchasing insurance and guide you to what product I think is best for you. I simply do this through a conversion of getting to know your situation.
  • Can I increase my monthly investment installments?

    Yes, at any point you can increase your monthly installments to match your investment goals.
  • Is this your own company?

    Yes – I represent all insurance companies on the Canadian market.
  • Is there tax on the insurance premium?

    No tax on the premium and no tax on the death benefit.
Letter From The Advisor
Who Is Jeff Bergman?
I was born and raised in Montreal and currently live with my wife and young daughter in this beautiful city. 

I decided to become a Financial Advisor because I love talking to people and learning about their stories. 

Most importantly, I enjoy helping people, as that is what gives me my greatest satisfaction, as well as building lifelong relationships with my clients.

When I'm not helping people achieve their financial goals, I’m enjoying quality time with my family. In the winter I play hockey and in the summer I enjoy playing golf.

Other interests include: Reading books, watching sports (Go Habs Go!), and working out.

If I'm able to help you in any way, please do contact me!

I would love to serve you to the best of my abilities.


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